# Find a Manga's Chapters

 GET /manga/{id}/feed

After finding the manga we are looking for, we may now want to read its chapters. The first step is to find which chapter exactly we want.

# Getting the Manga Feed

Manga Feed is a Manga's Chapter collection. A Chapter resource contains various information useful for identifying the chapter we are looking for, such as the chapter number, volume, language, and more.

# Request
manga_id = "f98660a1-d2e2-461c-960d-7bd13df8b76d"
import requests

base_url = "https://api.mangadex.org"

r = requests.get(f"{base_url}/manga/{manga_id}/feed")

print([chapter["id"] for chapter in r.json()["data"]])
const mangaID = 'f98660a1-d2e2-461c-960d-7bd13df8b76d';
const axios = require('axios');

const baseUrl = 'https://api.mangadex.org';

const resp = await axios({
    method: 'GET',
    url: `${baseUrl}/manga/${mangaID}/feed`

console.log(resp.data.data.map(chapter => chapter.id));

# Filtering the Manga Feed

We may want to filter out chapters which we may not be interested in. Attributes like language, group, user, and others are all fields we can apply filters for. Refer to the API Reference for a list of all the available query parameters.

# Request

Suppose we want to get all English chapters for the Manga Kimi wa Shinenai Hai Kaburi no Majo.

manga_id = "7c145eaf-1037-48cb-b6ba-f259103b05ea"
languages = ["en"]
import requests

base_url = "https://api.mangadex.org"

r = requests.get(
    params={"translatedLanguage[]": languages},

print([chapter["id"] for chapter in r.json()["data"]])
const mangaID = '7c145eaf-1037-48cb-b6ba-f259103b05ea';
const languages = ['en'];
const axios = require('axios');

const baseUrl = 'https://api.mangadex.org';

const resp = await axios({
    method: 'GET',
    url: `${baseUrl}/manga/${mangaID}/feed`,
    params: {
        translatedLanguage: languages

console.log(resp.data.data.map(chapter => chapter.id));

# Download a Chapter

Once we've found which chapter(s) we want, the nest step would probably be to retrieve the images for it.

Let's proceed with chapter 27cd0902-ad4c-490a-b752-ae032f0503c9.

# Request
chapter_id = "27cd0902-ad4c-490a-b752-ae032f0503c9"
import requests

base_url = "https://api.mangadex.org"

r = requests.get(f"{base_url}/at-home/server/{chapter_id}")
r_json = r.json()

host = r_json["baseUrl"]
chapter_hash = r_json["chapter"]["hash"]
data = r_json["chapter"]["data"]
data_saver = r_json["chapter"]["dataSaver"]
const chapterID = '27cd0902-ad4c-490a-b752-ae032f0503c9';
const axios = require('axios');

const baseUrl = 'https://api.mangadex.org';

const resp = await axios({
    method: 'GET',
    url: `${baseUrl}/at-home/server/${chapterID}`,

const host = resp.data.baseUrl;
const chapterHash = resp.data.chapter.hash;
const data = resp.data.chapter.data;
const dataSaver = resp.data.chapter.dataSaver;

Now, let's explain a few things. For every chapter, Mangadex provides two quality options: data and data-saver. data quality will always be original quality images (just like the uploader uploaded them), whereas data-saver are their compressed counterparts, which are low in size, meant for people who wish to conserve their bandwidth and for faster loading times on slow connections.

The full URL to retrieve an image is in the following format: <baseUrl>/<quality>/<chapterHash>/<filename>.

  • baseUrl is the URL we received from the /at-home/server endpoint (Always use the URL you receive from this endpoint. The at-home URLs are geographically optimized, therefore it's only going to cause issues for yourself by hardcoding them).
  • quality is the preferred quality option. Must be either data or data-saver.
  • chapterHash is the chapter hash the /at-home/server endpoint provides us with.
  • filename is the full name of the file under the quality option we chose.
# Request
import os

# Making a folder to store the images in.
folder_path = f"Mangadex/{chapter_id}"
os.makedirs(folder_path, exist_ok=True)
import requests

for page in data:
    r = requests.get(f"{host}/data/{chapter_hash}/{page}")

    with open(f"{folder_path}/{page}", mode="wb") as f:

print(f"Downloaded {len(data)} pages.")
const fs = require('fs');

const folderPath = `Mangadex/${chapterID}`;
fs.mkdirSync(folderPath, { recursive: true });
const axios = require('axios');

for (const page of data) {
    const resp = await axios({
        method: 'GET',
        url: `${host}/data/${chapterHash}/${page}`,
        responseType: 'arraybuffer'

    fs.writeFileSync(`${folderPath}/${page}`, resp.data);

console.log(`Downloaded ${data.length} pages.`);