# Manga Statistics

MangaDex allows users to view a Manga's rating and post their own. Additionally, some other statistics are exposed.

# Seeing a Manga's rating

 GET /statistics/manga/{uuid}

A Manga's average rating is represented by an mean score, and a Bayesian score of values between 1 and 10.

If you're interested in a little bit of math, the formula is as follows:

bavg = \frac{b_c}{b_c + \frac{ab_v}{b_v}} * b_a + (1 - \frac{b_c}{b_c + \frac{ab_v}{b_v}}) * ab_a


  • b refers to manga related values
  • ab refers to values relating to all the manga on Mangadex
  • v indicates the count of votes, meaning that b_v refers to the count of votes on the specific manga, and ab_v refers to the count of votes for all manga
  • c indicates the count of manga
  • a corresponds to to average of the related manga
# Request
manga_id = "0301208d-258a-444a-8ef7-66e433d801b1"
import requests

base_url = "https://api.mangadex.org"

r = requests.get(f"{base_url}/statistics/manga/{manga_id}")

rating, follows, *others = r.json()["statistics"][manga_id].values()

    f"Mean Rating: {rating.average}\n"
    + f"Bayesian Rating: {rating.bayesian}\n"
    + f"Follows: {follows}"
const mangaID = '0301208d-258a-444a-8ef7-66e433d801b1';
const axios = require('axios');

const baseUrl = 'https://api.mangadex.org';

const resp = await axios({
    method: 'GET',
    url: `${baseUrl}/statistics/manga/${mangaID}`

const { rating, follows } = resp.data.statistics[mangaID];

    'Mean Rating:', rating.average, '\n' +
    'Bayesian Rating:', rating.bayesian, '\n' +
    'Follows:', follows