# Retrieving Covers

To retrieve a cover, you need 2 pieces:

  1. The manga id of the cover
  2. The file name of the cover

Once you have these two, the URL of the cover is:


In addition to the unaltered cover, we also provide two premade thumbnail sizes for each cover, with respective widths of 256 and 512 pixels.

https://uploads.mangadex.org/covers/:manga-id/:cover-filename.{256, 512}.jpg

Note that the full cover filename is still expected. Including the original extension.

That is, given the cover filename 26dd2770-d383-42e9-a42b-32765a4d99c8.png and URL


The 256px and 512px thumbnails are 26dd2770-d383-42e9-a42b-32765a4d99c8.png.{256, 512}.jpg


# Where do I find the cover filename ?

You have two options depending on what you want.

# Main cover

In the manga's cover_art relationship you will find its cover id (which is not its filename). That cover entity has a filename attribute.

That relationship is always there and unique. It is the cover displayed on our website.

Finally, you can have the filename (and other attributes) resolved directly (avoiding the need for a subsequent call to /cover/:id) using reference expansion.

# All covers for a manga

Using the GET /cover endpoint.